- IMH20211114, Luu Hoang Duc, Peter Kloeden, Numerical attractors for rough differential equations.
- IMH20211113, Luu Hoang Duc, Random attractors for dissipative systems with rough noises, To appear in Discrete Continuous Dynamical Systems.
- IMH20211112, Pham Viet Hung, Asymptotic formula for the conjunction probability of smooth stationary Gaussian fields.
- IMH2021111, Pham Viet Hung, Upper bound for conjunction probability of two-dimensional Gaussian fields.
- IMH20211110, Pham The Anh, Adam Czornik, Doan Thai Son, Stefan Siegmund, Proportional Local Assignability of Dichotomy Spectrum of One-sided Continuous Time-Varying Linear Systems, To appear in Journal of Differential Equations.
- IMH20211108, Le Tuan Hoa, Maximal generating degrees of powers of homogeneous ideals.
- IMH20211107, Le Dung Muu, Le Xuan Thanh, On fixed point approach to equilibrium problem.
- IMH20211106, Phùng Minh Đức, Le Xuan Thanh, A splitting subgradient algorithm for solving equilibrium problems involving the sum of two bifunctions and application to cournot-nash model.
- IMH20211105, Nguyen Khoa Son, Nguyễn Năng Thiều, Nguyen Dong Yen, On the solution existence for prox-regular perturbed sweeping processes.
- IMH20211104, Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương, Jen-Chih Yao, Nguyen Dong Yen, New results on proper efficiency for a class of vector optimization problems.
- IMH20211103, Dương Việt An, Nguyen Dong Yen, Optimality conditions based on the Frechet second-order subdifferential
- IMH20211102, Dinh Si Tiep, Zbigniew Jelonek, Thom isotopy theorem for non proper maps and computation of sets of stratified generalized critical values.
- IMH20211101, Vu The Khoi, Masakazu Teragaito, Anh T. Tran, Left orderable surgeries of double twist knots II
- IMH20210904, Dinh Si Tiep, Pham Tien Son, On definable open continuous mappings
- , Dinh Si Tiep, Pham Tien Son, Characterizations of directional openness for set-valued mappings
- IMH20210902, Phan Thi Huong, Peter Kloeden, Doan Thai Son, Well-posedness and regularity for solutions of Caputo stochastic fractional differential equations in $ L^p $ spaces. To appear in Stochastic Analysis and Application.
- IMH20210901, Nguyen Quang Dieu, Do Thai Duong, Decay near boundary of volume of sublevel sets of m-subharmonic functions, to appear in Indagationes Mathematicae.
- IMH20210809, Doan Thai Son, Peter Kloeden, Attractors of Caputo fractional differential equations with triangular vector fields.
- IMH20210808, Vu Thi Huong, Jen-Chih Yao, Nguyen Dong Yen, Analyzing a maximum principle for finite horizon state constrained problems via parametric examples. Part 2: Problems with bilateral state constraints, to appear in Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization.
- IMH20210807, Truong Thi Hien, Tran Nam Trung, Regularity of symbolic powers of square-free monomial ideals, preprint arXiv:2108.06750v1.
- IMH20210806, Nguyen Dang Hop, Tran Quang Hoa, Powers of sums and their associated primes.
- IMH20210805, Sijong Kwak, Nguyen Dang Hop, Vu Thanh, Algebraic invariants of projections of varieties and partial elimination ideals, to appear in J. Algebra.
- IMH20210804, Dong Huu Mau, Tran Nam Trung, Stability of Associated Primes and Depth of Integral Closures of Powers of Edge Ideals, 2021, arXiv:2108.01830.
- IMH20210803, Tran Nam Trung, On Gorenstein graphs, to appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s10801-021-01051-9.
- IMH20210802, Nguyen Thi Van Hang, M. Ebrahim Sarabi, Local convergence analysis of augmented Lagrangian methods for piecewise linear-quadratic composite optimization problems. To appear in SIAM Journal on Optimization.
- IMH20210801, Nguyen Thi Van Hang, Boris S. Mordukhovich, and M. Ebrahim Sarabi, Augmented Lagrangian method for second-order cone programs under second-order sufficiency. To appear in Journal of Global Optimization.
- IMH20210703, Nguyen Dinh Cong, Semigroup property of fractional differential operators and its applications.
- IMH20210702, Phung Ho Hai, João Pedro dos Santos, Pham Thanh Tam, Algebraic theory of formal regular-singular connections with parameters, preprint arXiv:2107.06474.
- IMH20210701, Can Van Hao, Nguyen Van Quyet, Vu Hong Son, Partial universality of the superconcentration in the spin. To appear in Journal of Statistical Physics
- , Dao Tuan Anh, Existence and nonexistence of global solutions for a wave system with different structural damping terms, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, (2021).
- IMH20210606, Nguyen Tat Thang, Uniform stable radius and milnor number for non-degenerate isolated complete intersection singularities.
- IMH20210605, Indranil Biswas, Phung Ho Hai, João Pedro dos Santos, Connections on trivial vector bundles over projective schemes, preprint arXiv:2106.08547
- IMH20210604, Do Hoang Son, Phạm Ngọc Thành Công, A comparison principle for parabolic complex Monge-Ampère equations
- IMH20210603, Do Hoang Son, Nguyễn Quang Diệu, On the viscosity approach to a class of fully nonlinear elliptic equations.
- IMH20210602, N.V. Giang, Dao Quang Khai, Some new regularity criteria for the Navier-Stokes equations in terms of one directional derivative of the velocity field, to appear in Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications.
- IMH20210601, Vu Thi Huong, Solution existence theorems for finite horizon optimal economic growth problems, to appear in Optimization.
- IMH20210503, Dinh Si Tiep, Pham Tien Son, Some variational properties of tangent directions at infinity of real algebraic sets, preprint arXiv.
- IMH20210502, Dinh Si Tiep, Pham Tien Son, Nichtnegativstellensatze for definable functions in o-minimal structures, preprint arXiv.
- IMH20210501, Dinh Si Tiep, Pham Tien Son, The mountain pass theorem in terms of tangencies, preprint arxiv.
- IMH20210401, Artur Babiarz, Le Viet Cuong, Adam Czornik, Doan Thai Son, Necessary and sufficient conditions for assignability of dichotomy spectrum of one-sided discrete time-varying linear systems. To appear in IEEE-Transactions on Automatic Control.
- IMH20210301, Shigeru Kuroda, Tran Giang Nam, Anick type automorphisms and new irreducible representations of Leavitt path algebras, arXiv:2103.00698v1.
- IMH20210205, Can Van Hao, Doan Thai Son, Nguyen Van Quyet,
Limit theorems for the one dimensional random walk with random resetting to the maximum.
- IMH20210204, Can Van Hao, Manh Hong Duong, Pham Viet Hung, On the expected number of real roots of random polynomials arising from evolutionary game theory
- IMH20210203, Can Van Hao, Khanh Duy Trinh, Random connection models in the thermodynamic regime: central limit theorems for add-one cost stabilizing functionals.
- IMH20210202, Can Van Hao, Remco van der Hofstad, Takashi Kumagai, Glauber dynamics for Ising models on random regular graphs: cut-off and metastability.
- IMH20210201, Can Van Hao, Cristian Giardina, Claudio Giberti, Remco van der Hofstad, Annealed Ising model on configuration models, to appear Annales de l'Institut de Henri Poincare B.
- IMH20210104, Hoang The Tuan, Smallest asymptotic bound of solutions to positive mixed fractional-order inhomogeneous linear systems with time-varying delays.
- IMH20210103, Hoang The Tuan, Ha Duc Thai, Roberto Garappa, An analysis on solutions to fractional neutral differential equations with a delay.
- IMH20210102, Hoang The Tuan, On the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions to time-fractional elliptic equations with time-dependent variable coefficients.
- IMH20210101, Vu Thi Huong, Jen-Chih Yao, Nguyen Dong Yen, Optimal Economic Growth Models with Nonlinear Utility Functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957
Preprints 2021
07/03/25, Conference: Hội nghị Khoa học cơ bản trong lĩnh vực Toán – Lý |
17/03/25, Conference: School and Workshop "Modelling challenges in a changing climate and environment” |
24/04/25, Conference: Hội thảo TỐI ƯU VÀ TÍNH TOÁN KHOA HỌC lần thứ 23 |
21/07/25, Conference: International conference on commutative algebra to the memory of Jürgen Herzog |