

vth2The Institute of Mathematics is an institution of advanced research in mathematics, belonging to the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology 
(the former National Centre for Science and Technology). It was founded in 1969 by the decree no. 25/CP, dated February 5, 1969, of Vietnamese Government.
Primarily a research institute, the Institute of Mathematics has its main tasks to carry out basic research in the mathematical sciences and to collaborate on scientific research with other research institutes in Vietnam and abroad. From its foundation, the Institute always places an emphasis on applications of mathematics. Its third main task is to cooperate with other institutions in applying mathematics in management and production development.
The Institute is also committed to improving the quality of mathematics education at higher level. The training centre of the Institute was officially founded in 1994. Its aim is to fulfill the fourth main task of the Institute : to train young researchers in mathematics

Starting out as a relatively small section, section of mathematics, of the former National Committee for Science and Technology, with a dozen researchers, the Institute has since grown up to become a leading institution of higher learning and advanced research with a staff of 83 researchers, of which 17 professors and 15 associate professors, whose  researches  cover  almost  all  areas  of mathematics and  a training centre  offering Master's degree and Doctorate degree in all specializations of mathematics. During 45 years of its existence, the Institute's dedication to excellence in Mathematical researches has brought it an international recognition and places it among the dozen of Institutes of Excellence of the Third World Academy of Science.

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