Department of Optimization and Control Theory

Department of Optimization and Control Theory


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The department of Optimization and Control, formerly known as the department of Operation Research, has been established right from the foundation of the Institute of Mathematics in 1970. During the last 40 years of development, the department has achieved remarkable successes.

The  strong scientific groups on global optimization and theory of control led  by  Professors Hoang Tuy, Vu Ngoc Phat, Nguyen Khoa Son, Le Dung Muu  are well-known among  specialists over the world. Many members of the department are principal investigators of National scientific projects.
Professor Hoang Tuy has been awarded  Ho Chi Minh Prize in Science and Technology (1996) and has been named as the first ever recipient of the Constantin Carathéodory Prize of the International Society of Global Optimization for his pioneering work and fundamental contributions to global optimization (2011).

So far, according to MathScinet (American Mathematical Society), members of the department have published more than 500 papers on international journals, among which more than 300 papers have been published in ISI  journals. We also published 5 monographs and 4 postgraduate lecture notes. Several members of the department are editors of prestigious international journals.

The department keeps close relations and active cooperation with mathematicians at universities and research institutes in U.S., Canada, Australia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, India, Korea,…

 The department actively participates in training PhD and Masters students, teaching at universities, postgraduate training centers at home and overseas. More than 20 PhD students have obtained their PhD degree under the supervision of members of the department.

Members and Graduate students


  1. Dr. Bui Trong Kien (Head of the Department)
  2. Nguyen Thi Van Hang
  3. Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong
  4. Dr. Nguyen Huyen Muoi
  5. Dr. Le Hai Yen

Graduate students:

Scientific Activities

Group seminars

Seminar Equilibrium Problems and Related Topics
              Seminar Neuro-Fuzzy Systems with Applications


New Scientiffic Publications