Tin tức

Thông báo tuyển viên chức đợt 1 năm 2016

2000 25 (Ngạch nghiên cứu viên,  Thư viện viên (thủ thư))

1. Thông báo tuyển viên chức đợt 1 năm 2016
2. Mẫu đơn xin dự tuyển

3. Mẫu lý lịch khoa học
4. Quy chế tuyển dụng, sử dụng và quản lý viên chức mới tuyển dụng: Ngạch nghiên cứu viên (tham khảo)
5. Hạn nộp hồ sơ, chỉ tiêu tuyển dụng và thời gian thi tuyển cụ thể xem trong thông báo ở mục 1


Thông tin Toán học số 1 (Tập 20 - 2016)

Thông tin Toán học số 1 (Tập 20 - 2016)


NCTS invites applications for 2016 Postdoctoral Fellows

NCTS aims at developing international multidisciplinary scientific programs, including conferences, workshops, seminars, special topic courses, and summer/winter schools, organized by center scientists, visiting scientists, and postdoctoral fellows. For more NCTS detailed information, please visit www.cts.ntu.edu.tw.


The appointment starts from August 1, 2016 for 1 or 2 years, extendable up to 3 years. Every talent pursuing academic excellence is welcome. Priority will be given to applications by the following areas:

  • Number theory and Representation Theory
  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis
  • Differential Equations and Stochastic Analysis
  • Scientific Computation
  • Data Sciences

9 positions for Doctoral candidates (PhD students) in Mathematics

The Mathematics Research Unit of the University of Luxembourg has obtained a large grant from the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg for its PhD programme and opens up to 9 positions for Doctoral candidates (PhD students) in Mathematics (m/f)


  • Starting date: 1 September 2016 or later
  • Duration: 14-month initial contract, extendable up to 3 years, further extendable by 1 year if required, 40 hours/week
  • Student status
  • Applications received on or before 10th May 2016 will be treated with priorit

 Further information can be see detail http://emea3.mrted.ly/116rn


IMU Breakout Graduate Fellowship Program to support postgraduate studies in a developing country launched today

The IMU is today launching the novel IMU Breakout Graduate Fellowship Program.

Thanks to a generous donation by the winners of the Breakthrough Prizes in Mathematics – Ian Agol, Simon Donaldson, Maxim Kontsevich, Jacob Lurie, Terence Tao and Richard Taylor – IMU with the assistance of FIMU and TWAS is today launching a fellowship program to support postgraduate studies in a developing country, leading to a PhD degree in the mathematical sciences.

The IMU Breakout Graduate Fellowships will offer a limited number of grants for excellent students from developing countries.

Deadline: 09:00 am CET on 22 June 2016.

Further information can be found on the IMU CDC website: http://www.mathunion.org/cdc/grants/imu-breakout-graduate-fellowship-program/

In case of questions, please write an email to this email address: Địa chỉ email này đang được bảo vệ từ spam bots, bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó. Bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó.
Please forward this information to potential candidates.


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