The Post-Bachelor program is a project summer school of HGS MathComp. In scientific projects participants get first hand experience on doing own research in one of the key labs of the graduate school (applied mathematics, computer science, theoretical chemistry, computational physics, systems biology ...). This serves as an introduction to a possible entry into the postgraduate and PhD programs at Heidelberg University.
The summer school is organized in cooperation with the international summer school of Heidelberg University. Students in their last year of bachelor or immediately after their bachelor studies are invited to join an interdisciplinary summer school for mathematics and computer science.
The program consists of two phases:
- The first phase (1-2 months) has an intense focus on research complemented by an optional lecture program in mathematical modelling, numerical mathematics, image processing and scientific computing.
- The second phase (optional; in August) is a culture and language training in cooperation with the central summer school of the university.
All details, an FAQ and the application interface can be found on our web site: