Autumn school: Theoretical Computer Science
Hà Nội, 10-21/11/2014

Time: from 10-21/11/2014. 

Location: Institute of Mathematics Hanoi, VAST, 18 Hoàng Quốc Việt, Hà Nội, Tel: 04-37563474

Time table of Autumn school: "Theoretical Computer Science"

Approx= "Introduction to Effective Approximation Theory" by Nicolas Brisebarre

Graph= "Introduction to Algorithmic Graph Theory" by Christophe Crespelle

Week from 10/11 to 14/11

   Monday (10/11)  Tuesday (11/11)  Wednesday (12/11)  Thursday (13/11)  Friday (14/11)
Morning  "Graph"
Prof. Christophe Crespelle
Start: 8h30
Room: 301A
Building: A5
Prof. Christophe Crespelle
Start: 8h30
Room: 301A
Building: A5 





Prof. Christophe Crespelle
Start: 8h30
Room: 301A
Building: A5





Afternoon "Approx"
Prof. Nicolas Brisebarre
Start: 14h00
Room: 301A,
Building: A5"
Prof. Nicolas Brisebarre
Start: 14h00
Room: 301A,
Building: A5"
Prof. Nicolas Brisebarre
Start: 14h00
Room: 301A,
Building: A5"
Prof. Nicolas Brisebarre
Start: 14h00
Room: 301A,
Building: A5"
Prof. Christophe Crespelle
Start: 14h00
Room: 301A

Week from 17/11 to 21/11

   Monday (17/11)  Tuesday (18/11)  Wednesday (19/11)  Thursday (20/11)  Friday (21/11)





Prof. Christophe Crespelle
Start: 8h30
Room: 301A
Building: A5 





Prof. Christophe Crespelle
Start: 8h30
Room: 301A
Building: A5





Afternoon "Approx"
Prof. Nicolas Brisebarre
Start: 14h00
Room: 301A,
Building: A5"
Prof. Nicolas Brisebarre
Start: 14h00
Room: 301A,
Building: A5"
Prof. Nicolas Brisebarre
Start: 14h00
Room: 301A,
Building: A5"

Prof. Nicolas Brisebarre
Start: 14h00
Room: 301A,
Building: A5"

Prof. Christophe Crespelle
Start: 14h00
Room: 301A

 Time table of Autumn school

The autumn school “Theoretical Computer Science” is organized jointly by the Institute of Mathematics Hanoi and the Computer Science Departement of ENS de Lyon. Its purpose is to provide undergraduate students with some insight into hot topics in computer science at the frontier with mathematics. It is intended to undergraduate students between the 3rd and the 5th year, in mathematics or computer science, from all universities of Hanoi.

The participation is free, registration is not mandatory but recommended (please send e-mail to Phan Thi Ha Duong and Christophe Crespelle). 

The autumn school will be composed of two independent courses on two different topics, given by researchers of the Computer Science Laboratory (LIP) of ENS de Lyon. Each of the courses will include both lectures and exercises/practical work sessions, as well as a final exam, held 2 weeks after the school, to allow students to test their new knowledge and understanding. The lectures are given in english. 

  • Course 1: "Introduction to Effective Approximation Theory" 

Lecturer: Nicolas Brisebarre (CNRSLIPENS de Lyon

This course will cover part of approximation theory from the point of view of effective computation. We'll present methods for the computation of polynomial or rational approximants, efficient computation of Taylor series expansions or series expansions based on families of orthogonal polynomial, use of these expansions to produce approximations to a prescribed accuracy and some applications (certified quadrature, global optimization,...). The course will consist of 12 hours of lecture and 12 hours of practical sessions. We will use SAGE during the practical sessions. 

  • Course 2: "Introduction to Algorithmic Graph Theory" 

Lecturer: Christophe Crespelle (UCBL,  LIPENS de Lyon)  

The first part of the course will introduce some classical problems in graph theory (such as graph searches, maximum flow/minimum cut, maximum matchings) and discuss the algorithmic techniques used to solve them efficiently. The end of the course will be devoted to some more advanced topics about graph classes (cographs, permutation graphs, interval graphs) and graph decompositions. 

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