Tin tức

Workshop on Evolution Equations and Applications

Time: October 19-21, 2015

Venue: Vietnam Institute for Advance Study in Mathematics (VIASM)

7-th floor, Ta Quang Buu Library, in HUST’s campus; 1 Dai Co Viet street, Hanoi.


Prof. Nguyen Huu Du, Prof. M. Hieber, Prof. Dinh Nho Hao and Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thieu Huy

Scientific committee

M. Hieber, Nguyen Van Minh, Dinh Nho Hao, Tran Van Nhung, Nguyen Thieu Huy


Lectures and talks on recent developments of the fields of ordinary and partial differential equations and their applications to fluid dynamic, physical and biological problems, diffusion processes. Special attention will be paid on the well-posedness (or ill-posedness) and asymptotic behavior of solutions to evolution equations.

Invited Lectures

M. Hieber (Darmstadt), W. Arendt (Ulm), R. Nagel (Tübingen), N.V. Minh, Ng’uerekata (Columbus, USA), J. Lang (Wuhan, PRC), N.H. Du (VIASM, Hanoi), D.N. Hao (Hanoi), N.T. Huy (Hanoi).

Details: http://viasm.edu.vn/activities/workshop-eea/?lang=en

Source: VIASM