Quantum speed limit for qubit systems
Người bao cáo: Hồ Minh Toàn

Thời gian: 10Am sáng Thứ Sáu, 26/1/2024

Địa điểm: Phòng 612, Seminar tầng 6, nhà A6

Tóm tắt: Given an initial state, a target state, and a driving Hamiltonian, how fast can the initial state evolve into the target state according to the Schröchinger dynamics? This problem arises in a variety of contexts such as quantum computation, quantum control, and in particular, the problem of maximum information processing rate of quantum systems, and has been studied extensively due to its fundamental importance. In this talk, we pursue further the study in the qubit case in which the particular structure admits stronger results

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