A new self-adaptive algorithm for solving the multiple-set split variational inequality problem in Hilbert spaces
Người báo cáo: Nguyễn Trung Nghĩa (Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội)
Thời gian: 9h00, thứ 4 ngày 13/10/2021
Theo hình thức trực tuyến.
Tóm tắt: In this talk, we introduce a new self-adaptive algorithm for solving the multiple-set split variational inequality problem in Hilbert spaces. Our algorithm uses dynamic step-sizes, chosen based on information of the previous step. In comparison with the work by Censor et al. (Numer. Algor., 59:301-323, 2012), the new algorithm gives strong convergence results and does not require information about the transformation operator’s norm. Some applications of our main results regarding the solution of multiple-set split feasibility problem and the split feasibility problem are presented and show that the iterative method converges strongly under weaker assumptions than the ones used recently by Xu (Inverse Problems, 22:2021-2034, 2006) and by Buong (Numer. Algor., 76:783-798, 2017). Numerical experiments on finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces and an application to discrete optimal control problems are reported to demonstrate the advantages and efficiency of the proposed algorithms over some existing results.

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