International conferece Complex Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and their Applications
Hanoi, 2-9/6/2019

The aim of this conference is to invite leading experts from all over the world to give lectures on most recent progress in the fields of Complex analysis, Partial differential equations and their applications. It will also provide good chance for local researchers, Ph. D. and M. S. students to have a close contact and share their knowledge with well-known specialists in their disciplines.

Website conference: http://math.ac.vn/conference/CAPDE/

Organizing Committee

  • Nguyen Thieu Huy, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  • Tran Dinh Ke, Hanoi University of Education, Vietnam
  • Phung Van Manh, Hanoi University of Education, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Minh Tri, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam

Scientific Committee

  • Dinh Tien Cuong, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Pham Hoang Hiep, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Minh Tri, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam


There will be no registration fee.

Members of organizing and scientific committee, invited speakers are automatically registered.

Registration online

or Participants have to fill in a registration form (download here) and send it to: Địa chỉ email này đang được bảo vệ từ spam bots, bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó. Bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó.

Registration deadline: 15 May 2019

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