Hội nghị trong năm

The Third Mongolia-Russia-Vietnam Workshop on Numerical Solution of Integral and Differential Equations (NSIDE 2018)
Hanoi, October 22-27, 2018

Institute of Mathematics of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
International Centre for Research and Postgraduate Training in Mathematics

VNU Hanoi University of Science
Institute of Mathematics of National University of Mongolia
Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences


The Third Mongolia-Russia-Vietnam Workshop on
Numerical Solution of Integral and Differential Equations
(NSIDE 2018)

Dedicated to the memory of A.S. Apartsyn

Place: Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

Description: This Workshop aims to bring together scientists and researchers to share experience in numerical treatment of differential, integral, integral-algebraic, and differential algebraic equations and facilitate the existing as well as potential collaboration between the participants. For young researchers, we will organize a two-day School “Numerical Solution of Integral and Differential Equations” with eight lectures given by some experts in the field.


  • Ordinary, Partial Differential, and Differential Algebraic Equations
  • Integral and Integral Algebraic Equations
  • Mathematical Modeling and Applications

Speakers: Dang Quang A (Vietnam), L. Aceto (Italia), Cung The Anh (Vietnam), Nguyen Huu Du (Vietnam), R. Enkhbat (Mongolia), V.Ye. Fedorov (Russia), Z. Jackiewicz (USA), S.I. Kabanikhin (Russia), Tran Dinh Ke (Vietnam), Bui Trong Kien (Vietnam), Ye.B. Kuznetsov (Russia), Vu Hoang Linh (Vietnam), Ngo Hoang Long (Vietnam), M.A. Shishlenin (Russia), Doan Thai Son (Vietnam), Nguyen Minh Tuan (Vietnam), A.G. Yagola (Russia).

Lecturers at the School: Dang Quang A (Vietnam), L. Aceto (Italia), Cung The Anh (Vietnam), M.V. Bulatov (Russia), V.Ye. Fedorov (Russia), S.I. Kabanikhin (Russia), Dinh Nho Hao (Vietnam), Ye.B. Kuznetsov (Russia), Vu Hoang Linh (Vietnam), A.G. Yagola (Russia).

Contributed talks: Participants are invited to present a 20 minute research talk.

International Program Committee: M.V. Bulatov (Co-Chair, Russia), T. Janlav (Co-Chair, Mongolia), Nguyen Dong Yen (Co-Chair, Vietnam), Dang Quang A (Vietnam), L. Aceto (Italia), Cung The Anh (Vietnam), Pham Ky Anh (Vietnam), Z. Bartoszewski (Poland), A.S. Buldaev (Russia), V.F. Chistyakov (Russia), Nguyen Dinh Cong (Vietnam), Nguyen Huu Du (Vietnam), R. Enkhbat (Mongolia), V. Ye. Fedorov (Russia), M. Hadizadeh (Iran), Z. Jackiewicz (USA), S.I. Kabanikhin (Russia), K.Kropielnicka (Poland), Ye.B. Kuznetsov (Russia), M.-G. Lee (Taiwan), Vu Hoang Linh (Vietnam), Ngo Hoang Long (Vietnam), Nguyen Van Mau (Vietnam), Vu Ngoc Phat (Vietnam), Hoang Xuan Phu (Vietnam), Nguyen Khoa Son (Vietnam), Nguyen Minh Tuan (Vietnam), A.G. Yagola (Russia).

Organizing Committee: Ta Duy Phuong (Chair, Vietnam), Tran Van Bang (Vietnam), E.V. Chistyakova (Russia), R. Enkhbat (Mongolia), Tran Dinh Ke (Vietnam), Bui Trong Kien (Vietnam), Nguyen Huyen Muoi (Vietnam), L.S. Solovarova (Russia), Doan Thai Son (Vietnam).

Registration: All participants have to fill in a registration form (download here) and email it to Địa chỉ email này đang được bảo vệ từ spam bots, bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó. Bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó. . Please send your abstracts of talks (download the macro style file and a sample file here) to the same email address

Registration deadline: August 31, 2018

The Workshop email address: Địa chỉ email này đang được bảo vệ từ spam bots, bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó. Bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó.

Contact person: Mr. Nguyen Huyen Muoi (mobile phone: 01272336167)

Abstract submission deadline: September 10, 2018

Conference fees (to be paid at the reception desks):

  • Participants from Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology: free
  • Participants from other institutions of Vietnam: 300.000VND/person
  • Participants from other countries: 50USD/person

The Workshop Hotel: The Guest House of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (Address: 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Hanoi, Vietnam; Room price: from 25USD to 45USD/room/day)

The Workshop website: http://math.ac.vn/conference/NSIDE2018

Workshop place: Institute of Mathematics of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Hanoi, Vietnam

The previous Workshops:

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