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Thông tin về "Stephen Smale Prize"

After fifteen years of existence, with an established and recognized position in the scientific community, the Society  for the Foundations of Computational Mathematics has created the "Stephen Smale Prize" whose objective is to recognize the work of a young mathematician in the areas at the heart of the society's interests and to help to promote his or her integration among the leaders of the scientific community. The first Stephen Smale Prize was awarded at the Budapest meeting in 2011.

Nominations should be sent before midnight of March 10, 2014 (GMT)
to FoCM secretary Antonella Zanna at: Địa chỉ email này đang được bảo vệ từ spam bots, bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó. Bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó.