About computer regularizations of divergent polyzetas.
Speaker: Professor Vincel Hoang Ngoc Minh (University of Lille, France).

Time: 9h30, Thursday, Nov 23, 2023.

Venue: Room 612, A6, Institute of Mathematics.

Abstract: This work describes an algorithm identifying the locale coordinates of the Drinfel'd series and then proving that the algebra of polyzetas, denoted by $calZ$, is graded. It uses equations bridging algebraic structures of polyzetas and yields two shuffle and quasi-shuffle ideals as kernels of the zeta polymorphism. These ideals are totally lexicographically ordered and are constituted by homogeneous in weight polynomials.
These are considered as confluent rewriting systems in which, the left side of each rewriting rule is the leading term of the associated homogeneous polynomial and
the irreducible terms form algebraic generators of $calZ$.

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