Beauville-Laszlo theorem and generalization
Người báo cáo: Phùng Hồ Hải (Viện Toán học)

Thời gian: 16:30, thứ năm, 13/10/2022

Tóm tắt: We discuss the celebrated theorem of Beauville and Laszlo on formal glueing of sheaves. More precisely, let X be a scheme, Z a closed subscheme and X^ the formal completion of X along Z. Then Beauville-Laszlo theorem explains when one can glue sheaves on X^ and U to get a sheaf on X. Some generalizations and applications are also discussed.

Hình thức: Offline tại phòng 602 và online qua google meet, cụ thể https://meet.google.com/yep-kbzk-eao?pli=1&authuser=1

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