SEAMS school “Arithmetic, Geometry and Model Theory”
Hanoi, 17 – 28 February 2020


Recent years have seen a flourishing interaction between model theory, arithmetic geometry and number theory. The IHM-SEAMS school aims to familiarize advanced undergraduate students, graduate students and young researchers to basic concepts and techniques of model theory and main notions of algebraic geometry and number theory. This school will be an activity aiming to boost the interaction and collaboration between Asian and European researchers in mathematics.


The school is two week long from 17 February to 28 February 2020, with free Wednesday afternoons. There are three mini-courses, each consists of 6 x 120-minute lectures. There will be at least one tutorial session every day (11h00-12h00 and/or 16h00-17h00). Though the audience is expected to have a basic mathematical background, knowledge of technical terminology is not assumed.

Website: http://math.ac.vn/conference/seams2020


  • There are no registration fees and no additional fees.
  • If you are interested in participating in the school, please register online here

The deadline for registration is 15 January 2020. However, the deadline for the financial support is December 31.

Financial support

  • We can cover local expenses for selected participants.
  • Travel support for up to 12 students from Asean and neighboring countries and 10 domestic students is available
  • If you apply for travel support, please fill out the corresponding section carefully.

The application should include

  • a registration form;
  • a copy of the academic transcript;
  • a recommendation letter.

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