Optimization approaches for computing geometric shortest paths (cont.)
Người báo cáo: Phan Thành An

Thời gian: 14h15, Thứ 5, ngày 31/3/2016
Địa điểm: Phòng 4, Nhà A14, Viện Toán học, 18 Hoàng Quốc Việt, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
Tóm tắt:

The talk includes the following parts:
Part 1: Introduction
1.1 Computing geometric shortest paths and related problems
1.2 An exact method for computational geometry: the method of orienting curves (MOC)
1.3 An approximate method for computational geometry: the method of multiple shooting (MMS)

Part 2: Overview: Convexity and Geometric Shortest Path Problem
2.1 Convex sets
2.2 Relations between convexity and geometric shortest path problem

Part 3: Geodesic Convex Sets in Simple Polygons in 2D
3.1 Geodesic convex sets and geodesic convex hulls
3.2 Some computational aspects of geodesic convex sets and convex hulls
3.3 Blaschke-type theorem for geodesic convex sets

Part 4: Convex Hull of a Finite Set of Points
4.1 MOC for computing the convex hull of a finite planar point set
4.2 Restricted area technique for 3D convex hulls
4.3 Restricted area technique for Delaunay triangulation

Part 5: Exact Solution for Minimizing a Sum of Euclidean Norms

Part 6:  Exact Shortest Paths along a Sequence of Triangles in 3D

Part 7: Approximate Shortest Paths in Some Closed Regions
7.1 Approximate shortest paths in simple polygons
7.2 Approximate shortest paths on convex polytopes
7.3 Approximate shortest descending paths on convex terrains

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