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- Nguyễn Minh Chương, Nguyen Xuan Thuan, Random equations for weakly semimonotone operators of type (S) and semi-J-monotone operators of type (J-S), Random Oper. Stochastic Equations 10 (2002), 123 - 132.
- Nguyễn Minh Chương, Ta Ngoc Tri, The integral wavelet transform in weighted Sobolev spaces, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 7 (2002), 135 - 142.
- Nguyễn Minh Chương, Nguyen Xuan Thuan, The surjectivity of semiregular maximal monotone random mappings, Random Oper. Stochastic Equations 10 (2002), 47 - 58.
- Nguyễn Văn Châu, Polynomial maps of the complex plane with the branched value sets isomorphic to the complex line, Acta Math. Vietnam. 27 (2002), 197 - 202.
- Hà Huy Bảng, Mai Thi Thu, A Landau-Kolmogorov inequality for Orlicz spaces, J. Inequal. Appl. 7 (2002), 663 - 672.
- Hà Huy Bảng, H. M. Giao, On the Kolmogorov Inequality for M Φ -Norm, Appl. Anal. 81 (2002), 1 - 11.
- Pham Tra An, Automata with a time-variant structure and supply-demand theorems, Acta Math. Vietnam. 27 (2002), 41 - 52.
- Tạ Thị Hoài An, J. T.-Y. Wang, Uniqueness polynomials for complex meromorphic functions. Internat, J. Math. 13 (2002), 1095 - 1115.
- C. Faith, Dinh Van Huynh, When self-injective rings are QF: a report on a problem, J. Algebra Appl. 1 (2002), 75 - 105.
Công bố năm 2002
Tin tức nổi bật
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