- Tran Hung Thao, Note on a Wagner-Platens representation of solution of a general filtering stochastic differential equation. Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 133 - 138.
- Tran Duc Van, Nonlinear differential equations and infinite-order function spaces. Izd. BGU, Minsk, USSR, 1983 (in Russian).
- Tran Duc Van, On general transmission problems for overdetermined systems. Thông báo VKHVN, 1983, 66 - 76.
- Tran Duc Van, On periodic solution of nonlinear differential equations of infinite order II. Tạp chí Toán học 11 (1983), 1 - 7 (in Vietnamese).
- Tran Duc Van, On periodic solution of nonlinear differential equations of infinite order I. Tạp chí Toán học 11 (1983), 18 - 23 (in Vietnamese).
- Do Long Van, The word and conjugacy problems for a class of groups with non-homogeneous conditions of small cancellation. Arch. Math. 41 (1983), 481 - 490.
- Do Long Van, Sous-monoùdes et codes avec des mots infinis. Semigroup Forum 26 (1983), 75 - 87.
- Hoang Tuy, Nguyen Quang Thai, Minimizing a Concave Function over a Compact Convex Set, Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 13 - 20.
- Hoang Tuy, On outer approximation methods for solving concave minimization problems, Acta Math. Vietnam. 8:2 (1983), 3 - 34.
- Vu Kim Tuan, The best parallel factorization in a problem of exchange of information. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSRb 27 (1983), 399 - 401 (in Russian).
- Vu Kim Tuan, O. I. Marichev, The problems of definitions and symbols of G- and H-functions of several variables. Rev. Tecn. Fac. Ingr. Univ. Zulia, Edicion Especial 6 (1983), 144 - 151.
- Vu Kim Tuan, O. I. Marichev, The definition of a general G-function of two variables, its special cases and differential equations. Differ. Uravn. 19 (1983), 1797 - 1799 (in Russian).
- Vu Kim Tuan, Dimension of the manifolds of solutions of a system of partial differential equations. Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat. 10 (1983), 18 - 21; English transl.: Sov. Math. 27(1983), 22 - 27.
- Vu Kim Tuan, Volterra integral equations containing the functions F2 and G2 in the kernel. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Armyan SSR 77 (1983), 201 - 204 (in Russian).
- Ngô Việt Trung, Absolutely superficial sequence. Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 93 (1983), 35 - 47.
- Nguyen Huu Tro, On the best unbiased estimate in the Hilbert space. Tạp chí Toán học 11 (1983), 13 - 16 (in Vietnamese).
- Nguyen Van Thu, Joint distribution in quantum mechanics. In: Proc. of the 3rd Congress of Vietnamese Mathematicians 1983, 13 - 24.
- Nguyen Van Thu, Stochastic filtering theory. Tạp chí Toán học 11 (1983), 1 - 8 (in Vietnamese).
- Nguyen Van Thu, Gaussian-Markov processes on partially ordered sets. Comentat. Math. 23 (1983), 269 - 277.
- Hoang Tuy, Nguyen Van Thoai, Solving the linear complementarity problem through concave programming. J. Vytsysl. Mat. i Mat. Phys. 23 (1983), 602 - 608.
- Nguyen Xuan Tan, Some results on multivalued analysis and its applications. Ph.D. Thesis, Berlin, 1983.
- Do Hong Tan, On continuity of fixed points. Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 31 (1983), 299 - 301.
- Do Hong Tan, On the continuity of fixed points. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 28 (1983), 893 - 904.
- Do Hong Tan, A note on probabilistic measures of noncompactness. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 28 (1983), 283 - 288.
- Tran Vu Thieu, Bui The Tam , On two problems over a polytope. Tạp chí toán học 3 (1983), 5 - 8 (in Vietnamese).
- Tran Vu Thieu, Bui The Tam and Vu Thien Ban, An outer approximation method for globally minimizing a concave function over a compact convex set. Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 21 - 40.
- Phạm Hữu Sách, Optimization of discrete systems. Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 89 - 108.
- Pham Hong Quang, Phan Huy Khai, A methods of superiority in differential games of pursuit of one evader by several pursuers. Problems of Optimization and ACS 1983, 150 - 157.
- Hoàng Xuân Phú, Methoden zur Losung von Aufgaben der optimalen Steuerung mit engen Zustandsbereichen. Dissertation, Universitọt Leipzig, 1983.
- Vũ Ngọc Phát, Controllability of nonlinear two-parametric discrete-time systems. Probl. Optim. ASU, Bacu, USSR (1983), 171 - 179 (in Russian).
- Vũ Ngọc Phát, Controllability of discrete-time systems with nonconvex restrained controls. Optimization 14 (1983), 371 - 375.
- Duong Trong Nhan, Fuzzy set-valued mappings and fixed point theorems. Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 73 - 88.
- Nguyen Van Ngoc, Some problems of the theory of paired series equations. Ukrain. Math. J. 35 (1983), 641 - 644, (in Russian).
- Hà Tiến Ngoạn, A necessary condition of hypoellipticity for the second order degenerate equations with the characteristic form of variable sign. Ukrain. Math. J. 35 (1983), 333 - 141 (in Russian).
- Lê Dũng Mưu, Do Ba Khang, Asymtotic regularity and the strong convergence of the proximal point algorithm. Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 3 - 11 (1984).
- Dinh Quang Luu, Convergence of amarts of finite order. Math. Nachr. 113 (1983), 39 - 45.
- Dinh Quang Luu, Some typical examples in the theory of multivalued martingales. Tạp chí Toán học 11 (1983), 24 - 30, (in Vietnamese).
- Ngo Van Luoc, Vu Van Dat, Approximate solution to filtration problem in porous medium with many layers by the method of staight lines. Tạp chí Toán học 11 (1983), 23 - 29, (in Vietnamese).
- Dinh The Luc, Contributions to the duality in mathematical programming. Ph.D. Thesis, Budapest, 1983.
- Dinh The Luc, Duality in programming under probabilistic constraints with random technology matrix. Probl. Contr. Infor. Theory 12 (1983), 429 - 437.
- Dinh The Luc, On Nash equilibrium II. Acta Math. Hungar. 41 (1983), 61 - 66.
- Hà Huy Khoái, p-adic analysis and p-adic L-functions associated to modular forms. Dr. Sc. Thesis, Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow 1983 (in Russian).
- Hà Huy Khoái, p-adic Interpolation and continuation of p-adic functions. Lecture Notes in Math. 1013 (1983), 252 - 265.
- Hà Huy Khoái, On p-adic meromorphic functions. Duke Math. J. 50 (1983), 695 - 711.
- Phan Huy Khai, On the pursuit process in linear differential games. Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 41 - 57.
- Phan Huy Khai, The effective method in linear discrete games with different types of constraints on controls. In: Optimization and ASU, Baku 1983,158 - 162, (in Russian).
- Phan Huy Khai, The problem of pursuit in linear discrete games with many players. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerbaijan. SSR 39 (1983), 10 - 14 (in Russian).
- Phan Huy Khai, P. H. Quang, Some effective methods of pursuit with incomplete information in differential games. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerbaijan. SSR, Ser. Fiz.-Tekhn. Mat. Nauk 1983, 104 - 109 (in Russian).
- Phan Huy Khai, P. H. Quang, New effective methods of pursuit in linear differential games. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerbaijan. SSR 39 (1983), 10 - 14 (in Russian)..
- Dinh Van Huynh, Rings whose multiples are direct summands. Math. J. Okayama Univ. 25 (1983), 99 - 101.
- Dinh Van Huynh, On the fissility of semiprimary rings. Acta Math. Acad. Sc. Hungar. 43 (1983), 101 - 103.
- Nguyễn Việt Dũng, The fundamental groups of the spaces of regular orbits of affine Weyl groups. Topology 22:4 (1983), 425 - 435.
- Hoang Dinh Dung, Solution of the problems for Oseen viscous flow around an obstacle. Vuch. Math. and Math. Phys. Moscow, 5 (1983), 1254 - 1257 (in Russian).
- Đỗ Ngọc Diệp, Geometric quantization. Tap chi Toan hoc 11 (1983), 1 - 4 (in Vietnamese).
- Đỗ Ngọc Diệp, Quantification multidimensionnelle III. Applications: Sur les représentations irréductibles de groupes de difféomorphismes. Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 59 - 72.
- Đỗ Ngọc Diệp, Quelques aspects topologiques en analyse harmonique. Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 35 - 125.
- Pham Huy Dien, Locally Lipschitz set-valued maps and generalized extremal problems with inclusion constraints. Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 109 - 122.
- Pham Huy Dien, Nonsmooth implicit function theorems and their applications. Tap chi Toan hoc 11 (1983), 26 - 31.
- Le Ngoc Chuyen, Involutive sets of functions on orbits of representation of finite-dimensional Lie algebras. Uspekhi Math. Nauk 38 (1983), 179 - 180 (in Russian).
- Phan Van Chuong, Vector version of a density theorem with an application in control theory. J. Math. Analysis Appl. 95 (1983), 379 - 393.
- Phan Van Chuong, Sur l'existence des solutions pour les équations intégrales multivoques à paramètre aléatoire. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série A, 297 (1983), 283 - 286
- Nguyễn Minh Chương, Parabolic pseudodifferential operators of variable order. Dr. Sci. Dissertation, Moscow Univ. (1983).
- Nguyễn Minh Chương, Isomorphism of S. L. Sobolev of variable order. Matematicheskii Sbornik, (NS) 121 (1983), 3 - 17 (in Russian).
- Nguyễn Minh Chương, Degenerate parabolic pseudodifferential operators of variable order. Doklady Akademii Nauk, 268 (1983), 1055 - 1058 (in Russian).
- Pham Tra An, On the stability of probabilistic automata. Veroianost. Methodi i Kibernetika 19 (1983), 133 - 141 (in Russian).
Công bố năm 1983
Tin tức nổi bật
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