- Bui Cong Cuong, New scientific methods in economic management and finance. Tạp chí Kinh tế 12 (1974), 8 - 9, 2 (1975), 15 - 17, 3 (1975), 24 - 26 (in Vietnamese).
- Bùi Công Cường, Extremal problems of multivalued mappings. Tạp chí Toán học 3 (1975), 34 - 40 (in Vietnamese).
- Hà Huy Vui, P. N. Knhiajev, A weak convergence of operators. Isvestia Acad. Nauk BSSR (1975), 23 - 27.
- Tran Duc Van, V. I. Korzuk , Transmission problems for elliptic systems of differential equations. In: Proc. of the 1975 Congress of Belorussian Mathematicians, Minsk, 1975, 54 - 55 (in Russian).
- Tran Duc Van, Apriori estimates for solutions of transmission problems for differential equations of different orders. Dokl. Acad. Nauk BSSR 19 (1975), 488 - 491 (in Russian).
- Hoang Tuy, On the general minimax theorem, Colloquium Math. 33 (1975), 145 - 158.
- Tran Manh Tuan, Chemistry product: Taking and preparing samples. Tiêu chuẩn Việt Nam TCVN 1694-75, 1975 (in Vietnamese).
- Nguyen Van Thu, Prediction of stationary in norm sequences. In: Proc. of Confer. on Prob. Theory, Trebieszowisze, Poland, VI-13. VI (1975), 33 - 36.
- Nguyen Van Thu, On additively correlated random variables. Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. XXIII (1975), 781 - 785.
- Tran Vu Thieu, On a transportation problem with intermediate points. Tạp chí Toán học 3 (1975), 12 - 21 (in Vietnamese).
- Do Hong Tan, Some remarks on the contraction principle. Tạp chí toán học 3 (1975), 1 - 5 (in Vietnamese).
- Do Hong Tan, Some remarks on the contraction principle. Tạp chí toán học 3 (1975), 1 - 5 (in Vietnamese).
- Do Hong Tan, Unbounded operator Nodi. Tạp chí toán học 3 (1975), 16 - 21 (in Vietnamese).
- Phạm Hữu Sách, A support principle for discrete processes. Differ. Uravn. 11 (1975), 1485 - 1496 (in Russian).
- Nguyen Van Ngoc, On a periodical contact problem of elastic theory for complex media. Tạp chí Khoa học Kỹ thuật, Hanoi, 1975, 12 - 18, (in Vietnamese).
- Nguyen Van Ngoc, On a periodical contact problem for an infinite elastic strip. Tạp chí Khoa học Kỹ thuật, Hanoi, 1975, 23 - 29, (in Vietnamese).
- Do Van Luu, On an extension of optimal control problems. Tạp chí Toán học 3 (1975), 22 - 30 (in Vietnamese).
- Ngo Van Luoc, On boundary value problem of viscous liquid flowing around plane circle disk. Tạp chí Toán học 3 (1975), 22 - 26, (in Vietnamese).
- Dinh Van Huynh, Uber Ringe mit Minimalbeidingung fỹr Hauptrechtsideale. Acta Math. Acad. Sc. Hungar. 26 (1975), 245 - 250.
- Dinh Van Huynh, Uber die Frage der Spaltbarkeit von MHR-Ringen. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sc. 23 (1975), 135 - 138.
- Dinh Van Huynh, Uber eine Klasse von linear kompakten Ringen. Publ. Math. Debrecen 22 (1975), 321 - 323.
- Đỗ Ngọc Diệp, The structure of the group C*-algebra of the group of affine transformations of the straight line. Funkt. Anal. i Priloz. 9 (1975), 63 - 64.
Công bố năm 1975
Tin tức nổi bật
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