Proposals in applied mathematics or related to applications of mathematics are especially welcome.
Proposals in the most mathematically or economically deprived areas are encouraged and will be given priority.
The aim of the International Centre for Pure and Applied Mathematics CIMPA is to promote international cooperation in higher education and research in mathematics and their interactions, as well as related subjects, for the benefit of developing countries. Our action concentrates at the places where mathematics emerges and develops, and where a research project is possible.
CIMPA is a UNESCO centre based in Nice, financed by France, Switzerland, Norway and Spain, counting with the support of the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis and the University of Montpellier 2.
We organize research schools of about two weeks in developing countries. The purpose of these schools is to contribute to the research training of the new generation of mathematicians, women and men.
The Scientific Council and the Steering Council of CIMPA evaluate the projects and select the best and most appropriate. The research schools are organized locally with the help of CIMPA. CIMPA’s financial contribution is essentially for young mathematicians from neighbouring countries to be able to attend the research school. CIMPA can help with obtaining funds from other sources. Additional and essential information can be found in the roadmap (available on the web site of CIMPA). You can also write to CIMPA for further information.
Research schools call for projects begins on March 1st, 2014.The deadline for a (non-mandatory) pre-proposal is June 15, 2014. The complete proposal is due October 1st, 2014.
The application form can be found on CIMPA website: