
Sarnak Awarded Wolf Prize 2014

Peter Sarnak has been awarded the 2014 Wolf Prize in Mathematics. A mathematician of extremely broad spectrum and far-reaching vision, Sarnak has influenced the development of several mathematical fields, often by uncovering deep and unsuspected connections. Sarnak is the Eugene Higgins Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University and is a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. (source: AMS) .


Call for nominations - The Stephen Smale Prize


SEOUL ICM 2014: Plenary Lecture and Daily Session Schedule updated


First Spring Meeting and Travel held by VMS

The first Spring meeting and travel are held by the Vietnam Mathematical Society (VMS) on Saturday, Feb. 22, 2014.


The penultimate New Year's Eve - Tất niên

Traditionally, the penultimate New Year's Eve - Tất niên has been held today (January 24, 2014) at the institute. Vietnamese New Year – Tết is coming soon!
