
The International Congress of Women Mathematicians 2014

August 12 and 14: The International Congress of Women Mathematicians 2014 will be held in Seoul, Korea. Registration and applications for poster session begins February 1, 2014.


Announcement on funding for basic researches in natural sciences in 2014

Under the framework of funding for basic researches in natural sciences program and according to the regulation on implementation of basic research themes in natural sciences funded by the National Foundation for Sciences and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) which was issued together with Decision No. 03/QD-HDQLQ 24/12/2008 by NAFOSTED’s management board, the foundation makes the announcement for funding plans in 2014.



The Institute of Mathematics receives a delegation from DFG, German Research Foundation

On February 26, 2014, Prof. Le Tuan Hoa, director of the Institute of Mathematics received a delegation from DFG, German Research Foundation,  led by Dr. Ingrid Kruessmann, Director in the International Affairs Division, East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia.



Prof. Hoa briefed her about the structural organization and scientific activities of the institute. 

At the working meeting, the two sides also discussed possibilities for cooperation in Mathematics in the near future.


Call For Applications: CIMPA-Indonesia Mathematical Imaging School 2014

CIMPA-Indonesia School 2014: Mathematical and Statistical Tools in Mathematical Imaging, 25 August-5 September 2014 Bandung, INDONESIA

Deadline for Applications: 1 June 2014
For informations, please refer to:


  • Scholarships are available for the applicant from developing countries in limited seats.
  • Subject to  DAAD approval, some scholarships for DAAD alumna/stipendiat are available.

  [Please mention it that you are DAAD alumna/stipendiat at on line application]


2014 Position Announcement

The list of open 1st call in 2014 for applications for the filling of positions at the Institute of Mathematics is shown in this link (in Vietnamese).
