Regularity of powers and symbolic powers of edge ideals of cubic circulant graphs
Speaker: Nguyen Thu Hang

Time: 9h30 – 11h00, Wednesday October 23, 2024

Venue: Room 612, A6, Institute of Mathematics-VAST

Abstract: We compute the regularity of powers and symbolic powers of edge ideals of all cubic circulant graphs. In particular, we establish Minh's conjecture for cubic circulant graphs,  as follows:

begin{thm}label{non-bipartite-theorem} Let $G = C_{2n}(1,n)$ or $G= C_{2n}(2,n)$ where $n > 1$ is an odd number. Then $$reg(I(G)^t) = reg (I(G)^{(t)}) = 2t- 1 + lfloor frac{n}{2} rfloor,$$
for all $t ge 2$.

Joint work with My Hanh Pham,  and Thanh Vu.

Program of Special Semester on Commutative Algebra

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