
QĐ số 1499/QĐ-VHL: Ban hành Quy định quản lý các đề tài khoa học và công nghệ độc lập cấp Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam dành cho cán bộ khoa học trẻ

QĐ số 1499/QĐ-VHL: Ban hành Quy định quản lý các đề tài khoa học và công nghệ độc lập cấp Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam dành cho cán bộ khoa học trẻ 

Phụ lục 1
Phụ lục 2
Phụ lục 3


Mini-course: Applied Nonlinear Statistical Methods

Mini-course: Applied Nonlinear Statistical Methods


Ceremony of Conferring the Honorary Doctor Degree of the VAST to Prof. Linoel Schwartz

In order to highlight the excellent achievements of Linoel Schwartz, Université; PARIS 13, France in research, training, and his distinguished contributions to the development of Mathematics in Vietnam, April 24, 2015, in the morning, the Institute of Mathematics organized Ceremony of Conferring the Honorary Doctor Degree of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology to him. 

Presented at the Ceremony were

Prof. Nguyen Huu Du-  Managing Director Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Assoc. Prof. Le Minh Ha, Dean of  The Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics, VNU University of Science, Prof. Le Tuan Hoa – Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Prof. Linoel Schwartz and his spouse.

Presented at the Ceremony were also the scientists of the Institute of Mathematics and from other institutions, universities. 

At the Ceremony, Prof. Nguyen Viet Dung- Deputy Director of the Institute of Mathematics outlined the life and the carrier, as well as the many contributions of Prof. Linoel Schwartz to the development of Mathematics in Vietnam.

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Prof. Le Tuan Hoa – Director of the Institute of Mathematics confers the Doctor Honoris Causa on  Prof. Linoel Schwartz


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Just after the Ceremony, Prof. Linoel Schwartz  gave a Colloquium lecture “Polynomial functors in algebra and topology” in 60 minutes.


Workshop on the occasion of 45^{th} anniversary of Institute of Mathematics

Workshop on the occasion of 45-th  anniversary of Institute of Mathematics - VAST

Tuan Chau, April 17 - 19, 2015


Ceremony of 45^{th} anniversary of Institute of Mathematics

Ceremony of 45^{th} anniversary of Institute of Mathematics - VAST

April 17, 2015