
Two scientists from the institute of Mathematics, Hanoi to receive Ta Quang Buu award 2015

Ta Quang Buu Awards is the award of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The award contributes greatly to promoting basic scientific research as well as science and technology development in Vietnam. 2015 Ta Quang Buu Awards Ceremony was held at the Ministry of Science and Technology at 10h45 A.M, May 16, 2015. Professor Dinh Dung and Professor Nguyen Dong Yen receive the main award and Associate Professor Pham Hoang Hiep receives the award for young scientists in Mathematics.

Professor Nguyen Dong Yen, a leading expert in optimization, from the Institute of Mathematic, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology is accepted the award for his work “A class of linear generalized equations" (joint work with Dr. Nguyen Thanh Qui) published in 2014 in the journal SIAM Journal on Optimization. He has published over 90 papers in international journals in Mathematics.

Associate Professor Pham Hoang Hiep, an expert in complex analysis and geometry, has published more than 30 papers in international journals in Mathematics. He was graduated and trained from Hanoi Pedagogical University and appointed associate professor there when he was 29 years old. He is accepted the award for his work "A sharp lower bound for the log canonical threshold" (joint work with Prof. J. P. Demailly, France) published in 2014 in the journal Acta Mathematica. That work was done in the years 2010 – 2011 during his stay at the Hanoi Pedagogical University. He has been working at the Institute of Mathematics since April 2015.

The Institute of Mathematics warmly congratulates Professors Nguyen Dong Yen and Pham Hoang Hiep.