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Xêmina Giải tích số và tính toán khoa học
07 - 2

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
On the existence of Pareto solutions for vector optimization problems
Speaker: Nguyen Van Tuyen

28 - 2

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Về sự tồn tại nghiệm của bài toán tối ưu vector
Báo cáo viên: Nguyễn Văn Tuyên

07 - 3

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Một nhận xét về lsc trong Ekeland principle
Báo cáo viên: Trương Xuân Đức Hà

28 - 3

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
How can combinatorial optimization help in practice?
Báo cáo viên: Sigrid Knust (Osnabrueck University)

04 - 4

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Finding Shortest Gentle Paths on Convex Terrains by the Method of Multiple Shooting
Báo cáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Lê

11 - 4

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Về một mô hình tăng trưởng kinh tế
Báo cáo viên: Vũ Thị Hướng

02 - 5

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
The domain of generalized polyhedral convex multifunctions
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan

09 - 5

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Integer programming approach for school timetabling problems and a case study in Vietnam
Speaker: Le Xuan Thanh

16 - 5

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Integer programming approach for school timetabling problems and a case study in Vietnam
Speaker: Le Xuan Thanh

23 - 5

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Shortest path from a point to a segment in a simple polygon
Speaker: Phong Thi Thu Huyen

05 - 9

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Coderivatives and Implicit Multifunction Theorems
Speaker: Duong Thi Kim Huyen

12 - 9

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Vector Optimization Problems with Polyhedral Multifunctions
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan

19 - 9

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Fusion frames
Speaker: Nguyen Quynh Nga

26 - 9

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Some mathematical issues behind Sudoku puzzles
Speaker: Nguyen Thi Nga

03 - 10

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
A regularity condition in polynomial optimization
Speaker: Vu Trung Hieu

10 - 10

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Định lý kiểu Frank-Wofle và Định lý kiểu Eaves trong tối ưu đa thức
Báo cáo viên: Vũ Trung Hiếu

17 - 10

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Tìm đường đi ngắn nhất nối hai cạnh trong đa giác
Báo cáo viên: Phong Thị Thu Huyền

31 - 10

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Ma trận nghịch đảo suy rộng và ứng dụng trong giải phương trình vi phân đại số
Báo cáo viên: Lê Trung Dũng

07 - 11

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
The quickhull algorithm for determining the convex hull of a finite set of discs in plane
Speaker: Nguyen Kieu Linh

14 - 11

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
The quickhull algorithm for determining the convex hull of a finite set of discs in plane
Speaker: Nguyen Kieu Linh

21 - 11

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Proper efficiency in the sense of Geoffrion
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan

05 - 12

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Uniform continuity of a product of real functions
Speaker: Gerald Beer (California State University Los Angeles)

12 - 12

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Proper efficiency in the sense of Geoffrion
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan

19 - 12

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Proper efficiency in the sense of Borwein
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan

26 - 12

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Proper efficiency in the sense of Borwein
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan

02 - 1

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Proper efficiency in the sense of Benson
Speaker: Nguyen Thi Thu Huong

09 - 1

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Proper efficiency in the sense of Benson
Speaker: Nguyen Thi Thu Huong

16 - 1

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Giới thiệu về ZIMPL và SCIP
Báo cáo viên: Lê Xuân Thanh

23 - 1

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Thuật toán Digital Differential Analyzer và thuật toán Bresenham vẽ đoạn thẳng trong đồ họa máy tính
Báo cáo viên: Phong Thị Thu Huyền

20 - 2

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Thuật toán Digital Differential Analyzer và thuật toán Bresenham vẽ đoạn thẳng trong đồ họa máy tính
Báo cáo viên: Phong Thị Thu Huyền

27 - 2

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Local Minimizers of Semi-Algebraic Functions
Speaker: Pham Tien Son

06 - 3

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Giới thiệu về bao lồi trực giao của một tập hợp hữu hạn điểm
Báo cáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Quyên

13 - 3

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Giới thiệu về bao lồi trực giao của một tập hợp hữu hạn điểm
Báo cáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Quyên

20 - 3

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Existence of solutions of polynomial vector variational inequalities
Speaker: Vu Trung Hieu

27 - 3

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Existence of solutions of polynomial vector variational inequalities
Speaker: Vu Trung Hieu

10 - 4

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Digital straightness and convexity
Báo cáo viên: Phong Thị Thu Huyền

15 - 5

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
On the solution existence in conic linear programming
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan

22 - 5

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Some Optimization Problems in Mathematical Economics
Speaker: Vu Thi Huong

29 - 5

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Báo cáo tổng quan nội dung Luận án Tiến sỹ "Some Optimization Problems in Mathematical Economics"
Speaker: Vu Thi Huong

05 - 6

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
A hybrid method for solving a variational inequality involving an infinite family of nonexpansive mappings
Speaker: Pham Thanh Hieu

19 - 6

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
A hybrid method for solving a variational inequality involving an infinite family of nonexpansive mappings
Speaker: Pham Thanh Hieu

18 - 9

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Matrix Two-Person Games
Speaker: Nguyen Dong Yen

02 - 10

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
New Results on Proper Efficiency for a Class of Vector Optimization Problems
Speaker: Nguyen Thi Thu Huong

13 - 11

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Về bao α - lõm ( α -Concave hulls), một mở rộng của bao lồi trong mặt phẳng
Báo cáo viên: Nguyễn Hữu Hiếu

27 - 11

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Phương trình vi phân đại số
Báo cáo viên: Mikhail Bulatov

04 - 12

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
PiCrossIMH: An IP-based Picross solver
Speaker: Le Xuan Thanh

11 - 12

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Differential Stability in Conic Linear Programming
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan

18 - 12
25 - 12

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
An adapting population size approach in the CMA-ES for multimodal functions
Speaker: Nguyen Duc Manh

08 - 1

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
A Modified Graham's Scan Algorithm for Finding Connected Orthogonal Convex Hulls of a Finite Set of Points in the Plane
Speaker: Phong Thi Thu Huyen