Equidistributed statistics on pattern avoiding permutations
Người trình bày: Trần Thị Thu Hương (ĐH Việt Đức)

Thời gian: 9h30, Thứ 5, ngày 28/01/2021.

Địa điểm: Phòng 612, nhà A6, Viện Toán học.

Tóm tắt: We show equidistributed statistics over some classes of permutations avoiding a 3-length pattern. More precisely, we show explicit bijections between sets of pattern avoiding permutations which preserve statistics Foze'' and Inv; and which preserve statistics Maj and Makl. Here, Inv is the inversion number, Maj is the sum of descend positions, and foze'' and makl are ones of the statistics defined in terms of generalized patterns by Babson and Steingr ́ımsson and proved to be Mahonian by Foata and Zeilberger. These results solve some conjectures posed recently by Amini.
