Research Seminar
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Completion of Cograph
Speaker: Tran Thi Hang
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Some problem on geometry Algorithms
Speaker: Nguyen Hong Ngat
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Some problem on geometry Algorithms (tt)
Speaker: Nguyen Hong Ngat
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Chio Firing Game và Rotor Router
Người báo cáo: Lại Văn Trung
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Cấu trúc cây và một số ứng dụng
Speaker: Vu Kim Nhung
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Cograph: recogniation algorithm and completion algorithm
Speaker: Tran Thi Hang
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Distance set on the upper half plane over finite field
Speaker:Đỗ Duy Hiếu
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Distance set on the upper half plane over finite field (part 2)
Speaker: Lại Văn Trung (Institute of Mathematics)
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Distance set on the upper half plane over finite field (part 2)
Speaker: Lai Van Trung
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Upper bound of the zero error Shannon capacity of cycle graphs
Speaker: Le Tien Nam
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Small ball problems
Speaker: Lai Van Trung
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
An exposition and open problems on Chip firing games
Speaker:Phan Thị Hà Dương
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Small ball problems (quadratic case)
Speaker: Lê Tiến Nam
Seminar on Combinatorial Enumerations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Small ball proplems (GAP and applications of inverse LOP proplems
Speaker: Lại Văn Trung (Institute of Mathematics)
17/03/25, Conference: Workshop "Modelling challenges in a changing climate and environment” |
24/04/25, Conference: Hội thảo TỐI ƯU VÀ TÍNH TOÁN KHOA HỌC lần thứ 23 |
02/06/25, Conference: International Conference "Arithmetic-Algebraic Geometry" |
21/07/25, Conference: International conference on commutative algebra to the memory of Jürgen Herzog |