
Professor Jean - Michel Rigo, Vice Rector of the University of Hassel (Belgium) visit in the Institute of Mathematics

In 30 January 2015, Professor Jean - Michel Rigo, Vice Rector of the University of Hassel (Belgium) had a short visit in the Institute of Mathematics (VAST).
Professor Le Tuan Hoa - Director of the Institute of Mathematics; Professor Nguyen Viet Dung - Deputy director of the Institute  of Mathematics; and Professor Ho Dang Phuc - Head of the Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics organized a meeting with Professor Jean - Michel Rigo.

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At the meeting, the two sides shared information on organizing structure and scientific activities of the two institutions, and discussed on the possibility of cooperation in scientific researches and education.

Tại buổi làm việc, hai bên đã giới thiệu cho nhau về cơ cấu tổ chức và hoạt động khoa học của hai cơ quan, đồng thời thảo luận về khả năng hợp tác trong nghiên cứu khoa học và đào tạo.