
Partnership IM Hanoi – ENS de Lyon

The partnership involves the Institute of Mathematics Hanoi of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology on one side and the Computer Science Departement of ENS de Lyon and its laboratory, named LIP, on the other side. It aims at developping joint research and teaching actions on the common activities of the two institutions. In particular, this includes the organisation of conferences and schools related to these activities as well as exchanges of researchers, graduate and postgraduate students.

The partnership is funded by ENS de Lyon, the Institute of Mathematics Hanoï, the CMIRA program of Région Rhône-Alpes, labex MILyon, CNRS and INRIA. It also receives the participation and support of other research and teaching institutions in France and in Vietnam: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Hanoi University of Science and Technology and Vietnam National University of Hanoi, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics.

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