
Ceremony of Conferring the Honorary Doctor Degree of the VAST to Prof. Boris Mordukhovich

In order to highlight the excellent achievements of Prof. Boris Sholimovich Mordukhovich, The Wayne State University (Detroit, USA) in research, training, and his distinguished contributions to the development of Mathematics in Vietnam, May 9, 2014, in the morning, the Institute of Mathematics organized Ceremony of Conferring the Honorary Doctor Degree of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology to him. 

Presented at the Ceremony were: Prof. Nguyen Dinh Cong – Vice Presedent of  the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Assoc. Prof. Ninh Khac Ban – Director of Department of International Cooperation of VAST, Prof. Le Tuan Hoa – Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Prof. Boris Sholimovich Mordukhovich and his spouse, Mrs Margaret Ann Mordukhovich.

Presented at the Ceremony were also the scientists of the Institute of Mathematics and from other institutions, universities. 

At the Ceremony, Prof. Nguyen Dong Yen outlined the life and the carrier, as well as the many contributions of Prof. Boris Mordukhovich to the development of Mathematics in Vietnam.

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Prof. Nguyen Dinh Cong – Vice Presedent of the  VAST confers the Doctor Honoris Causa on Prof. Boris Mordukhovich 

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Prof. Le Tuan Hoa – Director of the Institute of Mathematics congratulates Prof. Boris Mordukhovich 

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Prof. Boris Mordukhovich and his spouse, Mrs Margaret Ann Mordukhovich

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 Just after the Ceremony, Prof. Boris Mordukhovich gave a Colloquium lecture “Beauty of Variational Analysis” in 60 minutes.