
Cancel: Giới thiệu quĩ nghiên cứu Alexander von Humboldt, CHLB Đức

Diễn giả: TS Katja Yang (Đại diện Quỹ Humboldt khu vực Châu Á)
Thời gian và địa điểm: 14h00-15h00 ngày 21 tháng 04  tại phòng 301 tòa nhà A5, Viện Toán học, 18 Hoàng Quốc Việt, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
Chương trình:
14h00-14.30: Giới thiệu quĩ nghiên cứu Alexander von Humboldt,
14h30-15.00: Câu hỏi và trao đổi
Đăng ký tham dự tại đây
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 6933 0072
Passcode: 123456
Abstract: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is predominantly funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and the German Ministry of Education and Research. We sponsor scientists and scholars, irrespective of academic discipline and nationality. We strengthen Germany as a research location through international research exchanges. We support our sponsorship recipients during their entire lifetimes and actively promote international understanding, scientific progress and development.

Regarding my presentation, I would like to introduce the following scholarship programs in particular:

  • Humboldt Research Fellowship: 6-24 months research stays in Germany for postdoctoral and experienced researchers (up to twelve years after completion of doctorate) in any research field
  • Georg Forster Research Fellowship: 6-24 months research stays in Germany for postdoctoral and experienced researchers (up to twelve years after completion of doctorate) in the field of sustainable development
  • International Climate Protection Fellowship: 12-24 months projects in Germany for prospective leaders with at least a bachelors’ degree (12 months in Germany) and postdocs (12-24 months in Germany) with climate expertise