Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), through the Institute for Mathematical Research (INSPEM), with Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (ITB), the Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology, Vietnam (IMVAST), Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam (TNUE), Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany (UniBw), and the Malaysian Academy of Mathematical Scientists, Malaysia (AISMM) are delighted to announce that the 9th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics (ICREM9) (https://einspem.upm.edu.my/
The ICREM9 will consist of five Satellite Conferences:
- Satellite Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD2021)
- Satellite Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Data-Driven Innovations (AIDDI2021)
- Satellite Conference on Scientific Computing, Simulation, and Quantitative Instrumentation (SCSQI2021)
- Satellite Conference on Structural and Analytical Mathematics with Cryptology (SAMC2021)
- Satellite Conference on Literacy (LE2021)
The Organising Committee is looking forward to welcoming the delegates to the ICREM9 held for the first time in the beautiful island known as The Jewel of Kedah (Langkawi Permata Kedah). We are working towards preparing an attractive scientific programme with diverse topics to create a conducive environment suitable for encouraging and facilitating our delegates to share their knowledge and exchange ideas in all aspects of mathematics and its application. The Organising Committee is pleased to announce that ALL peer-reviewed and accepted manuscripts will be published in Special Issues of journals indexed in Scopus® and/or JCR® (subject to APC borne by delegates).
The Organising Committee looks forward to hosting all members of the mathematical community at the ICREM9 Conference. See you in Langkawi, MALAYSIA for ICREM9!
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