Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of powers of an ideal II
Speaker: Prof. Jugal Verma (Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai)
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Berger Conjecture I
Speaker: Prof. Vivek Mukundan (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of powers of an ideal III
Speaker: Prof. Jugal Verma (Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai)
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Berger Conjecture II
Speaker: Prof. Vivek Mukundan (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Invariant chains in algebra and discrete geometry
Speaker: Le Van Dinh
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Cohen-Macaulay of powers of edge ideals of weighted-edge trees
Speaker: Prof. Tran Nam Trung
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
On the skew tableau ideals
Speaker: Do Trong Hoang
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Depth and regularity of Inc-invariant chains of monomial ideals
Speaker: Nguyen Dang Hop
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
On the unmixedness and Cohen-Macaulayness of parity binomial edge ideals of chordal graphs
Speaker: A. V. Jayanthan
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
On the Ulrich complexity of complete intersections
Speaker: Hoàng Lê Trường (Institute of Mathematics (IM-VAST)
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Asymptotic behaviour of the saturation degree
Speaker: Ngo Viet Trung
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Saturation density functions and some applications
Speaker: Suprajo Das
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Cohen-Macaulay of the second powers of edge ideals of weighted-edge very-well covered graphs
Speaker: Tran Nam Trung
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Makar-Limanov invariant of cylinders over trinomial varieties
Speaker: Sergey Gaifullin
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Density functions for filtrations of ideals in a polynomial ring
Speaker: Suprajo Das
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Automorphisms of affine varieties: flexibility and unipotent group actions
Speaker: Alexander Perepechko
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Density function associated to a module and integral dependence
Speaker: Sudeshna Roy
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Regularity of powers and symbolic powers of edge ideals of cubic circulant graphs
Speaker: Nguyen Thu Hang
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Some perturbation problems in Commutative Algebra
Speaker: Phạm Hùng Quý
Special Semester on Commutative Algebra
Computing epsilon multiplicities in two dimensional graded domains
Speaker: SudeshnaRoy
22/03/25, Conference: Workshop "Modelling challenges in a changing climate and environment” |
24/04/25, Conference: Hội thảo TỐI ƯU VÀ TÍNH TOÁN KHOA HỌC lần thứ 23 |
02/06/25, Conference: International Conference "Arithmetic-Algebraic Geometry" |
21/07/25, Conference: International conference on commutative algebra to the memory of Jürgen Herzog |