Weekly Activities
Seminar on Optimization and Control Theory
Local convergence analysis of augmented lagrangian methods for piecewise linear-quadratic composite optimization problems
Speaker: Nguyen Thi Van Hang
Seminar on Computational Geometry
Method of multiple shooting for solving the convex rope problem
Báo cáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Lê
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Scheduling sports tournaments on a single court minimizing waiting time
Speaker: Le Xuan Thanh
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Các tính toán về chiều và giống (tiếp theo)
Báo cáo viên: Võ Quốc Bảo (Viện Toán học)
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Định lý chính của phạm trù Galois
Báo cáo viên: Võ Quốc Bảo
20/12/24, Colloquium Lecture: New matrix perturbation bounds via “skewness”: theory and applications. |
06/01/25, Conference: The 3rd Vietnam - Korea joint workshop on selected topics in mathematics |
06/01/25, Conference: Geometry and Dynamics in Low Dimensions |