Weekly Activities
Seminar on Analysis
Weighted composition operators on Fock spaces
Speaker: Pham Trong Tien
Seminar on Computational Geometry
On finding approximate shortest gentle paths on convex terrains
Speaker: Nguyen Thi Le
Seminar on Optimization and Control Theory
Robust solutions to storage loading problems under uncertainty
Speaker: Le Xuan Thanh
Seminar on Differential Equations
Fundamental solution method for solving certain boundary value problems
Speaker: Dinh Nho Hao
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
On finding approximate shortest gentle paths on convex terrains
Speaker: Nguyen Thi Le
Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
On the unit group of a commutative ring
Speaker: Phạm Ngọc Ánh (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Colloquium Lecture
On traffic modeling and the Braess paradox
Speaker: Prof. Helge Holden (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Cohen-Macaulay rings and Macaulayfication
Người báo cáo: Đoàn Trung Cường
20/12/24, Colloquium Lecture: New matrix perturbation bounds via “skewness”: theory and applications. |
06/01/25, Conference: Geometry and Dynamics in Low Dimensions |
06/01/25, Conference: The 3rd Vietnam - Korea joint workshop on selected topics in mathematics |
21/07/25, Conference: International conference on commutative algebra to the memory of Jürgen Herzog |