Weekly Activities

Lubin-Tate (phi, Gamma)-modules and their moduli stacks
Người báo cáo: Phạm Ngô Thành Đạt (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)

Thời gian: 16h30 thứ năm, ngày 20/04

Địa điểm: Pòng 612, Nhà A6.

Link online: https://meet.google.com/yep-kbzk-eao?pli=1&authuser=4

Tóm tắt: Emerton and Gee have defined and studied stacks which interpolate Fontaine's (phi,Gamma)-modules in families. Studying the geometry of these stacks is expected to shed light on deep problems in the p-adic local Langlands program, including the Breuil-Mézard conjecture and the emerging "categorical” perspective. In this talk, I will explain a generalization of Emerton--Gee’s construction to the Lubin--Tate setting. By working at a perfectoid level, I will then show that the two versions are in fact isomorphic.
