Weekly Activities

Some Qualitative Properties of Matrix Two-Person Games
Người báo cáo: Dương Thị Kim Huyền (Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội 2)

Thời gian: từ 9h00 đến 11h00 sáng thứ 4 ngày 15/6/2022 theo hình thức trực tuyến.

Link seminar: meet.google.com/gaq-qqdn-wzh

Tóm tắt: This talk studies some qualitative aspects of matrix two-person games. The continuity of the characteristic sets and of the value of the games, the upper semicontinuity of the characteristic sets, and the density of the games having a unique optimal strategy for one player, are established under suitable conditions. For further investigations, four open questions are formulated.
