Weekly Activities

Newton polytopes and some symmetric polynomials
Người báo cáo: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Giao (Trường Đại học Bách Khoa - ĐH Đà Nẵng)

Thời gian: 9h00, thứ năm, ngày 6/1/2022.

Hình thức: Trực tuyến link google meet meet.google.com/zsh-jnxc-eit

Tóm tắt: In this talk, we present the Newton polytopes arising from three families of polynomials in algebraic combinatorics: Schur polynomials, Stable Grothendieck polynomials and Dual stable Grothendieck polynomials. The Newton polytopes of Schur and Stable Grothendieck polynomials have previously been studied by Monical-Tokcan-Yong and Escobar-Yong. We are particularly interested in the studying of Newton polytope of Dual stable Grothendieck polynomials. This is joint work with Dang Tuan Hiep
