Weekly Activities

The Fifth National Conference "Probability - Statistics: research, application and teaching"
May 23- 25, 2015, Da Nang

The Fifth National Conference 

"Probability - Statistics: research, application and teaching"

Da Nang, 23-25/5/2015


Announcement No. 1

The Institute for Advanced Studies on Mathematics in collaboration with the Institute of Mathematics - VAST; the Ha Noi National University of Natural Sciences;  and the Da Nang University of Pedagogy organize the Fifth National Conference "Probability - Statistics: research, application and teaching" in Danang from 23 to 25/05/2015. This is a scientific activity of national-wide scale about theoretical researches, applications and teaching works on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, continuing the tradition of the First National Conferences in Nha Trang (1983), the Second and the Third in Ba Vi (2001, 2005) and the Fourth in Vinh (2010).

The Conference is a forum for scientists to present theoretical and applied research results, as well as teaching works, related to the field of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. The Organizing Committee will invite reputable experts in the fields of Probability and Mathematical Statistics to participate the Conference and to give talks. All researchers, teachers and others who work in related fields (including students and post-graduate students) are welcome to attend to the Conference.



