03 April 2017 - 09 April 2017

Seminar on Analysis
Singular Kahler-Einstein metrics on compact Kahler manifolds
Speaker: Prof. Ahmed Zeriahi (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse-Université Paul Sabatier)

Seminar on Optimization and Control Theory
On the stability for fractional differential equations
Speaker: Hoang The Tuan

Seminar on Differential Equations
Uniqueness of viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations in Banach spaces
Speaker: Phan Trong Tien

SEAMS school 2017 "Complex analysis and geometry"
Hanoi, April 05 – April 16, 2017

Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
Random walks and combinatorial representation theory
Speaker: Prof. M. Peigné (LMPT, University Fr. Rabelais Tours & VIASM)

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Ánh xạ nghiệm của bất đẳng thức biến phân đa thức có tham số
Speaker: Vu Trung Hieu

Seminar on Computational Geometry
Finding shortest gentle paths on a land surface (cont.)
Speaker: Nguyen Thi Le

Seminar on Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Mô hình Ising trên lưới nguyên hai chiều
Người báo cáo: Cấn Văn Hảo

Seminar of Center for Graduate Training
Tính toán thặng dư
Người báo cáo: Trần Hồng Hạnh

SEAMS school 2017 "Complex analysis and geometry"
Hanoi, April 05 – April 16, 2017

SEAMS school 2017 "Complex analysis and geometry"
Hanoi, April 05 – April 16, 2017

Seminar on Analysis
Extension theorems for holomorphic functions on subvarieties
Speaker: Prof. Shin-ichi Matsumura (Mathematical Institute-Tohoku University, Japan)

SEAMS school 2017 "Complex analysis and geometry"
Hanoi, April 05 – April 16, 2017

SEAMS school 2017 "Complex analysis and geometry"
Hanoi, April 05 – April 16, 2017

03 April 2017 - 09 April 2017
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