Invariance of plurigenera in positive and mixed characteristic
Speaker: Iacopo Brivio (NCTS)

Time: 15h15, Friday, 11/2/2022

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Abstract: A famous theorem of Siu states that the m-plurigenus P_m(X) of a complex projective manifold is invariant under deformations for all mgeq 0. It is well-known that in positive or mixed characteristic this can fail for m=1. In this talk I will construct families of smooth surfaces over a DVR X/R such that P_m(X_k)>>P_m(X_K) for all m>0 divisible enough. If time permits, I will also explain how the same ideas can be used to prove (asymptotic) deformation invariance of plurigenera for certain families of threefold pairs in positive and mixed characteristic.

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