Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Stratified bundles
Speaker: Phung Ho Hai
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Representation of Neron blow-up
Speaker: Nguyen Dai Duong
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Projective Morphisms
Speaker: Nguyen Thi Ha My
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Speaker: Pham Thanh Tam
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Tannakian duality
Speaker: Nguyen Chu Gia Vuong
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Projective Morphisms
Speaker: Hoang Thi Ha My
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Stratified bundles
Speaker: Phung Ho Hai
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Tannakian duality
Speaker: Nguyen Chu Gia Vuong
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Kaehler Differentials
Speaker: Phan Văn Lộc
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Regular singular stratified bdls
Speaker: Hoang Thi Ha My
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Tannakian duality
Speaker: Nguyen Chu Gia Vuong
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Formal Schemes
Speaker: Nguyễn Đại Dương
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Đối ngẫu Tannakian
Speaker:Nguyễn Chu Gia Vương
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Quasi-coherent sheaves
Speaker: Phạm Thanh Tâm
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Formal Schemes
Speaker: Nguyễn Đại Dương
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Đối ngẫu Tannakian
Speaker:Nguyễn Chu Gia Vương
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Speaker: Phạm Thanh Tâm
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Formal Schemes
Speaker: Phạm Thanh Tâm
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Speaker: Phạm Thanh Tâm
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Projective Morphisms
Speaker: Nguyễn Thị Hà My
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Quasi-coherent sheaves
Speaker: Phạm Thanh Tâm
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Đầy đủ hóa của modules
Speaker: Đặng Thị Thơm
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Hopf algebra on DVR
Speaker: Nguyễn Huy Hưng
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Quasi-coherent sheaves
Speaker: Phạm Thanh Tâm
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Vector Bundles, Connection, and Curvature
Speaker: Hoàng Thị Hà My
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Harmonic Theory on Compact Complex Manifolds
Speaker:Nguyễn Chu Gia Vương
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Kahler Manifolds
Speaker:Phùng Hồ Hải
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Kaehler manifolds (cont.)
Speaker:Phùng Hồ Hải
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Sheaves and Cohomology
Speaker: Phạm Thành Tâm
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Topology of Manifolds
Người báo cáo: Đào Văn Thịnh
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Vector Bundles, Connection, and Curvature
Speaker: Hoàng Thị Hà My
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Topology of Manifolds
Speaker:Đào Văn Thịnh
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Rudiments of several complex variables
Speaker:Nguyễn Chu Gia Vương
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
Complex Manifolds
Speaker:Phùng Hồ Hải
26/03/25, Conference: Workshop "Modelling challenges in a changing climate and environment” |
28/03/25, Colloquium Lecture: Dissipative Lattice Dynamical Systems |
28/03/25, Colloquium Lecture: Convergence rates for the Adam optimizer |
24/04/25, Conference: Hội thảo TỐI ƯU VÀ TÍNH TOÁN KHOA HỌC lần thứ 23 |
02/06/25, Conference: International Conference "Arithmetic-Algebraic Geometry" |
21/07/25, Conference: International conference on commutative algebra to the memory of Jürgen Herzog |
New Scientiffic Publications
- Phung Ho Hai, Nguyen Dang Hop, João Pedro dos Santos , Fiber criteria for flatness and homomorphisms of flat affine group schemes, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 229, Issue 6, June 2025, 107949, (SCI-E, Scopus).
- Do Duy Hieu, Phan Thi Ha Duong, Overlapping community detection algorithms using modularity and the cosine, Advances in Complex Systems Vol. 28, No. 03, 2550006 (2025) Regular Research Articles, (SCI-E, Scopus).
- Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Nhu Quan, Source identification problems for a class of subdiffusion equations with weak nonlinearities, Mathematical Control and Related Fields, June 2025, Vol. 15, No. 2, (SCI-E, Scopus).