Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Uniform continuity of a product of real functions
Speaker: Gerald Beer (California State University Los Angeles)
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Proper efficiency in the sense of Geoffrion
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Proper efficiency in the sense of Borwein
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Proper efficiency in the sense of Borwein
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
The quickhull algorithm for determining the convex hull of a finite set of discs in plane
Speaker: Nguyen Kieu Linh
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
The quickhull algorithm for determining the convex hull of a finite set of discs in plane
Speaker: Nguyen Kieu Linh
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Proper efficiency in the sense of Geoffrion
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
A regularity condition in polynomial optimization
Speaker: Vu Trung Hieu
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Định lý kiểu Frank-Wofle và Định lý kiểu Eaves trong tối ưu đa thức
Báo cáo viên: Vũ Trung Hiếu
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Tìm đường đi ngắn nhất nối hai cạnh trong đa giác
Báo cáo viên: Phong Thị Thu Huyền
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Ma trận nghịch đảo suy rộng và ứng dụng trong giải phương trình vi phân đại số
Báo cáo viên: Lê Trung Dũng
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Coderivatives and Implicit Multifunction Theorems
Speaker: Duong Thi Kim Huyen
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Vector Optimization Problems with Polyhedral Multifunctions
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Fusion frames
Speaker: Nguyen Quynh Nga
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Some mathematical issues behind Sudoku puzzles
Speaker: Nguyen Thi Nga
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
The domain of generalized polyhedral convex multifunctions
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Luan
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Integer programming approach for school timetabling problems and a case study in Vietnam
Speaker: Le Xuan Thanh
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Integer programming approach for school timetabling problems and a case study in Vietnam
Speaker: Le Xuan Thanh
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Shortest path from a point to a segment in a simple polygon
Speaker: Phong Thi Thu Huyen
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Finding Shortest Gentle Paths on Convex Terrains by the Method of Multiple Shooting
Báo cáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Lê
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Về một mô hình tăng trưởng kinh tế
Báo cáo viên: Vũ Thị Hướng
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Một nhận xét về lsc trong Ekeland principle
Báo cáo viên: Trương Xuân Đức Hà
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
How can combinatorial optimization help in practice?
Báo cáo viên: Sigrid Knust (Osnabrueck University)
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
On the existence of Pareto solutions for vector optimization problems
Speaker: Nguyen Van Tuyen
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Về sự tồn tại nghiệm của bài toán tối ưu vector
Báo cáo viên: Nguyễn Văn Tuyên
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Differentiability Properties of a Parametric Consumer Problem
Speaker: Vu Thi Huong
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Bài toán bù thuần nhất
Báo cáo viên: Vũ Trung Hiếu
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Bài toán bù thuần nhất (tiếp tục)
Báo cáo viên: Vũ Trung Hiếu
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
On the global holderian error bound of polynomial functions
Speaker: Ha Huy Vui
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
On the existence of Pareto solutions for vector optimization problems
Speaker: Nguyen Van Tuyen
17/03/25, Conference: Workshop "Modelling challenges in a changing climate and environment” |
24/04/25, Conference: Hội thảo TỐI ƯU VÀ TÍNH TOÁN KHOA HỌC lần thứ 23 |
02/06/25, Conference: International Conference "Arithmetic-Algebraic Geometry" |
21/07/25, Conference: International conference on commutative algebra to the memory of Jürgen Herzog |
New Scientiffic Publications
- Doan Nhat Minh, Ortho-integral surfaces, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 466, April 2025, 110162, (SCI-E, Scopus).
- La Văn Thịnh, Hoang The Tuan, Asymptotic behavior of solutions to some classes of multi-order fractional cooperative systems. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 153 (2025), no. 4, pp. 1559-1574, (SCI-E, Scopus).
- Pham Huu Sach, Le Anh Tuan, Nguyen The Vinh, Vector Quasi-Equilibria for the Sum of Two Multivalued Trifunctions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Volume 204, article number 44, (2025), (SCI-E, Scopus).