Nguyen Tat Thang

Associate Professor, Doctor

Department of Geometry and Topology
Research interests: Algebraic Geometry, Topology and Singularity Theory

Office: Building A5, Room 104
Tel: +84 (02)4 37563474 / 103
Email: ntthang AT

Born in Phu Tho

Education and academic degrees:

  • 2022: Associate Professor
  • PhD: 2011
  • Bachelor: 2005




List of publications in MathSciNet




List of recent publications
1Nguyen Tat Thang, Image of iterated polynomial maps of the real plane, Research in the Mathematical Sciences, Volume 11, article number 16, (2024), (SCI-E).
2Le Quy Thuong, Nguyen Tat Thang, Geometry of nondegenerate polynomials: Motivic nearby cycles and Cohomology of contact loci, Comptes Rendus Mathématique, Vol. 361 (2023), p. 1249-1266, (SCI-E, Scopus).
3Nguyen Tat Thang, Kiyoshi Takeuchi , Meromorphic nearby cycle functors and monodromies of meromorphic functions (with Appendix by T. Saito), Revista Matemática Complutense volume 36, pages663–705 (2023).
4Nguyen Tat Thang, Uniform stable radius and Milnor number for non-degenerate isolated complete intersection singularities, Manuscripta Mathematica volume 168 (2022), pages 571–589, (SCI-E, Scopus).
5Nguyen Tat Thang, Takahiro Saito, Kiyoshi Takeuchi, The bifurcation set of a rational function via Newton polytopes, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 298 (2021), pages 899–916, (SCI-E, Scopus).
6Lê Quý Thường, Nguyen Tat Thang, Contact loci, motivic Milnor fibers of nondegenerate singularities, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences, 96 (2020), 13-17, SCI(-E), Scopus.
7Nguyen Tat Thang, Phạm Phú Phát; Phạm Tiến-Sơn, Bifurcation Sets and Global Monodromies of Newton Nondegenerate Polynomials on Algebraic Sets, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 55 (2019), 811-834, SCI(-E), Scopus.
8Thomas Hales, Mark Adams, Gertrud Bauer, Tat Dat Dang, John Harrison, Hoang Le Truong, Cezary Kaliszyk, Victor Magron, Sean Mclaughlin, Nguyen Tat Thang, Quang Truong Nguyen, Tobias Nipkow, Steven Obua, Joseph Pleso, Jason Rute, Alexey Solovyev, Ta Thi Hoai An, Tran Nam Trung, Thi Diep Trieu, Josef Urban, Ky Vu, Roland Zumkeller, A formal proof of the Kepler onjecture, Forum of Mathematics, Pi, 5 (2017) 29 pages.
9Kazumasa Inaba, Masaharu Ishikawa, Masayuki Kawashima, Nguyen Tat Thang, On Innermost Circles of the Sets of Singular Values for Generic Deformations of Isolated Singularities, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 42 (2017), 237–247, Scopus.
10Kazumasa Inaba, Masaharu Ishikawa, Masayuki Kawashima, Nguyen Tat Thang, On linear deformations of Brieskorn singularities of two variables into generic maps, Tohoku Mathematical Journal, 69 (2017), 85-111, SCI(-E); Scopus.
11Nguyen Tat Thang, Admissibility of local systems for some classes of line arrangements. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 57 (2014), 658–672, SCI(-E), Scopus.
12Nguyen Tat Thang, Bifurcation set, M-tameness, asymptotic critical values and Newton polyhedrons, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 36 (2013), 77-90, SCI(-E); Scopus.
13Nguyen Tat Thang, Generalized Broughton polynomials and characteristic varieties,  Mathematical Journal of the Ovidius University of Constantza, 21 (2013), 215-224.
14Nguyen Tat Thang, On the topology of rational functions in two complex variables,  Acta Math. Viet., 37, 171 -- 187 Scopus.
15Nguyen Tat Thang, Ha Huy Vui, On the topology of polynomial mappings from $\mathbb C^n$ to $\mathbb C^n-1$,  International Journal of Mathematics  22 (2011), 435 - 448, SCI(-E); Scopus.
16Ha Huy Vui, Nguyen Tat Thang, On the topology of polynomial functions on algebraic surfaces in $\Bbb C^n$. In: Singularities II, 61 - 67, Contemp. Math., 475, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2008.
1IMH20241002, Nguyen Tat Thang, Pham Thu Thuy, Euclidean distance degree of curve in \mathcal{C^3}
2IMH20240701, Masaharu Ishikawa, Nguyen Tat Thang, Relative homotopy groups and serre fibrations for polynomial maps.
3IMH20240201, Nguyen Tat Thang, Image of iterated polynomial maps of the real plane