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15 - 3

Seminar on Optimization and Control Theory
Reachable sets bounding for switched systems with time-varying delay and bounded disturbances
Speaker: Mai Viet Thuan

15 - 3

Seminar on Differential Equations
Carleman estimate method
Speaker: Nguyen Anh Tu

16 - 3
16 - 3

Seminar on Probability and Mathematical Statistics
On some recent research in stochastics
Speaker: Paavo Salminen, Akademi University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Finland

16 - 3

Seminar of Center for Graduate Training
Toán tử compact trên không gian Hilbert
Speaker: Nguyen Duc Tam

18 - 3

Seminar on Computational Geometry
Euclidean shortest paths on a sequence of triangles in 3D (cont.)
Speaker: Phong Thi Thu Huyen

21 - 3
21 - 3

Seminar on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems with Applications
Some classes of implication operators for picture fuzzy sets
Speaker: Bui Cong Cuong

22 - 3

Seminar on Optimization and Control Theory
Quasi-equilibrium problems and fixed point theorems of l.s.c mappings
Speaker: Nguyen Xuan Tan

22 - 3
23 - 3

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Generic properties for semialgebraic program
Speaker: Pham Tien Son

23 - 3

Seminar on Partial differential equations and applications
Besov Space Regularity Conditions for Weak Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations
Speaker: Ngo Van Giang

23 - 3

Seminar of Center for Graduate Training
Toán tử thuộc lớp vết (toán tử Hilbert-Schmidt)
Speaker: Tran Hong Hanh

24 - 3

Seminar on Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science
An introduction to tropical geometry
Speaker: Tran Mai Ngoc, (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics in Germany)

25 - 3

Seminar on Computational Geometry
Optimization approaches for computing geometric shortest paths
Speaker: Phan Thanh An

28 - 3

Seminar on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems with Applications
Some classes of implication operators for picture fuzzy sets
Speaker: Bui Cong Cuong

29 - 3

Seminar on Optimization and Control Theory
Stability of singular fractional differential equations with delay
Speaker: Nguyen Truong Thanh

29 - 3

Seminar on Differential Equations
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and its Applications
Speaker: Dinh Nho Hao

30 - 3

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Efficient methods for solving discrete topology design problems
Speaker: Nguyen Canh Nam

30 - 3

Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
Special algebraic groups over fields
Speaker: Nguyen Duy Tan

30 - 3

Seminar on Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Type I error rate control in multiple testing
Speaker: Nguyen Van Hanh

31 - 3

Seminar on Computational Geometry
Optimization approaches for computing geometric shortest paths (cont.)
Speaker: Phan Thanh An

05 - 4
05 - 4
06 - 4

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Chen and Han's algorithm for computing shortest paths on a polytope
Speaker: Dong Van Viet

06 - 4

Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
Some exact sequences in the arithmetic of algebraic groups
Speaker: Nguyen Quoc Thang

07 - 4

Seminar on Computational Geometry
Optimization approaches for computing geometric shortest paths (cont.)
Speaker: Phan Thanh An

08 - 4

Colloquium Lecture
The equilibrium problem: a unified approach to optimization, minimax problems (game theory), variational inequalities and other interesting problems.
Speaker: Prof. Gabor Kassay, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

08 - 4

Mini-course Combinatorics
Chip Firing Game and problems related to random walks
Người báo cáo: Phan Thị Hà Dương

12 - 4

Seminar on Optimization and Control Theory
Finite time stability analysis for singular systems with delay
Speaker: Nguyen Huyen Muoi

12 - 4

Seminar on Differential Equations
Semi-linear parabolic equations backwards in time
Speaker: Dinh Nho Hao

13 - 4

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Funnels for finding shortest paths from the source point to all destination points on a polyhedral surface
Speaker: Dong Van Viet

13 - 4

Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
Young tableaux and representations of general linear groups
Speaker: Nguyen Bich Van

13 - 4

Seminar of Center for Graduate Training
Các định lý tồn tại nghiệm của phương trình vi phân
Speaker: Nguyen Huyen Muoi

15 - 4
20 - 4

Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
Linearity defect of edge ideals
Speaker: Nguyen Dang Hop

20 - 4
21 - 4

14th Workshop on Optimization and Scientific Computing
Ba Vì, April 21-23, 2016

21 - 4

Seminar on Hyperplane arrangements
On free and some subclasses of hyperplane arangements
Speaker: Tran Hong Hanh

22 - 4

Seminar on Analysis
$\ell$-adic Poisson Summation for $GL(2,\mathbb Q_p)$
Speaker: Do Ngoc Diep

26 - 4
26 - 4

Seminar on Differential Equations
Parabolic complex Monge-Ampère equation
Speaker: Do Hoang Son

27 - 4

Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
Effective Nullstellensatz
Speaker: Prof. Zbigniew Jelonek, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences

27 - 4

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Some Mathematical Models of Population Dynamics
Speaker: Nguyen Trong Hieu

27 - 4

Seminar on Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Estimation in semiparametric mixture model in multiple testing setup
Speaker: Nguyen Van Hanh

28 - 4

Seminar on Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science
Markov chains and Mixing Time
Speaker: Nguyen Duy Hoang

04 - 5

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Shortest Ordered Paths along a Sequence of Line Segments in 3D
Speaker: Phong Thi Thu Huyen

04 - 5

Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
Tập các iđêan nguyên tố liên kết của lũy thừa iđêan cạnh
Speaker: Ha Thi Thu Hien

04 - 5

Seminar on Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Some Linear Classifiers for High-Dimensional Data
Speaker: Nguyen Hoang Huy

05 - 5

Seminar on Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science
Markov chains and Mixing Time (part 2)
Speaker: Nguyen Duy Hoang