Seminar calendar week 2/9-8/9
Người báo cáo: Lương Thái Hưng
Wednesday (04/09/2013): 9.00, Room 6 the A14 - Institute of Mathematics

Seminar interlaboratory Algebra - Number Theory
The report: Pham Hoang Hiep
Report Name: A Comparison Principle for the log canonical.
Abstract: We Prove a Comparison Principle for the log canonical threshold of plurisubharmonic functions.

Wednesday (04/09/2013): 14h00, Room 4 the A14 - Institute of Mathematics
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Reported by: Phung Ho Hai (Institute of Mathematics)
Report Name: Some remarks Ona theoryA Representation of affine flat group schemes over a Dedekind ring.
Phòng 109 nhà A5 - Viện Toán học
