
Workshop “Equlibrium and Fixed Point Problems: Theory and Algorithms”

Time: August 25-29, 2014

An Workshop on “Equlibrium and Fixed Point Problems: Theory and Algorithms” will be held at Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), Hanoi, Vietnam, from August 25 to August 29, 2014. The five-day event will consist of a two-day workshop and mini-courses. The scope of the workshop is to bring together members of the mathematical community whose interest lies in theory, methods and applications of equilibrium and fixed point problems.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Chair: P.K. Anh (Vietnam National University, Hanoi), Co-Chair: L.D. Muu (Institute of Mathematics), J.K. Kim (Kyungnam University), P.N. Anh (Post & Telecommunications Institute of Technology), and N. Buong (Institute of Information Technology).

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Chair: L.Q. Thuy (Hanoi University of Science and Technology), P.K. Anh (VNUH).

The following researchers have accepted to participate in the workshop: T. Kuno (Univ. Tsukuba), J.K. Kim (Kyungnam Univ.), P.K. Anh (VNUH), L.D. Muu (Inst. Math.), N. Buong (Inst. Information Tech.), P.N. Anh (Post & Telecomm. Inst. Tech.), L.Q. Thuy (HUST), N.T.T. Ha (HNUE), T.D. Quoc (EPFL-Lausanne), N.T.T. Thuy, L.T. Duong. T.M. Tuyen, N.D. Dung (Thai Nguyen Univ.), B.V. Dinh (Le Quy Don Univ. Tech.), V.T. Dung, D.V. Hieu (VNUH), N.V. Quy (Acad. Finance).

Registration and Abstract Submission: here.

Deadline for registration: July 6, 2014
