AMC-2020 Satellite Workshop Deterministic and Stochastic Aspects of Differential Equations (Cancelled due to the Covid19 Pandemic)
Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, Xuan Hoa; July 24-27, 2020

Place: Xuan Hoa; July 24-27, 2020

website: http://math.ac.vn/conference/DEDS2020

Time: July 24-27, 2020.

This workshop will be followed by the Asian Mathematical Conference 2020 (AMC-2020)


from 28-31 July 2020. You are strongly encouraged to participate to this big event.

On the afternoon of 27 July, there will be a shuttle bus to take participants directly to Ha Long, the venue of the AMC 2020.

Aims: The workshop creates a forum to exchange recent results on deterministc and stochastic aspects of differential equations and related topics

Invited lecturers:

  1. Takashi Kumagai (RIMS Kyoto, Japan)
  2. Jeroen Lamb (Imperial College London, UK)
  3. Françoise PÈNE (Université de Brest, France)

Confirmed Invited Speakers:

  1. Kohatsu – Higa (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
  2. Stefano Luzzatto (ICTP, Italia)
  3. Stefan Siegmund (TU Dresden, Germany)

(to be updated)



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