Weekly Activities

Shortest paths on sequences of bundles of line segments for autonomous robots in unknown environments
Người báo cáo: Nguyễn Thị Lê

Thời gian: từ 14h, ngày 27/4/2022

Địa điểm: Phòng 614, A6

Hình thức: online và offline

Link online: Meet – hao-hqrn-jgw

Tóm tắt: Consider the following problem that arises in the path planning of autonomous robots: An autonomous robot moving in an unknown environment in 2D with a limited vision range finds a path to the goal. In the process of discovering the environment map, the robot has to return from a position to some position marked previously, the regions where the robot traverses to return are constructed as sequences of bundles of line segments. Some efficient algorithms for finding approximately/exact shortest paths between these two positions along the sequences of bundles of line segments are presented, implemented in Python, and one is successfully integrated into the robot TurtleBot 3 Burger that has the vision range 120mm-499mm.
